Welcome to IUAES
The IUAES is a world organization of scientists and institutions working in the fields of anthropology
and ethnology, but also of interest to archaeologists and linguists, among others. Its aim is to enhance
exchange and communication among scholars of all regions of the world, in a collective effort to expand
human knowledge. In this way it hopes to contribute to a better understanding of human society, and to a
sustainable future based on harmony between nature and culture. Read more about
Read the latest IUAES
IUAES Election and Ballot Results Aug-Sept 2023
All those eligible for membership were balloted and the results are now in. Read the results in full.
Coming up: Future congresses
19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress
Marginalities, Uncertainties, and
World Anthropologies: Enlivening past and envisioning future
New Delhi, India, 14-20 October
url: iuaes2023delhi.org/